Dartmouth API Developer Portal

Security Gift Batches API

The Security Gift Batches interface allows the caller to post security gift batches to the Dartmouth internal Security Gifts System (SG). This is a restricted service and is strictly limited to external system integrations. Application to use this service must be approved by the General Accounting office. Posted batches are monitored and audited by the General Accounting office on a daily basis.

Unauthorized use or attempted use of this service will be considered a major violation of the Dartmouth Code of Conduct/and or possibly a criminal violation and be adjucated accordingly.

Notes on usage

The entire batch of gift transactions and associated header information is passed to the api in a single POST CALL. A return code of 202 (Accepted) is given, and a payload of information about the batch, including the ID of the batch that can be used in a subsequent GET call to inquire about the status of the batch. The number of gift transactions is not limited.

The caller can check on the status of the background processing by calling the check status service, and passing in the ID of the batch resource that is returned on the initiating call to create the batch (the POST requests documented below).

COMPATIBILITY NOTE the "link" attribute returned on the post call must be followed to the status information. The format of the link may change in the future so this attribute should always be used rather than "assuming" the format of the URL.

A posting_type field is required that can have the values COMMIT or TRIAL. In TRIAL mode the batch is submitted for processing and goes through all the integrity checks. If the batch passes all these integrity checks, the batch is rolled back as if it never happened. If the posting_type is COMMIT and the batch passes all integrity checks, the batch is posted to the final application tables. In this way, you can pre-flight check the batch for errors before sending it to the Security Gift system or do testing in a production system without affecting the production data.

The postings (history) service returns previously-submitted batch postings.


POST /api/advancement/gift/security_batches

Required Scope





Batch request payload (see example below)


Status Code Description
202 The POST request has been accepted and has been handed off to the background processor
50x The backend Oracle database is not available

Sample Request


POST request with example body

  "posting_type": "trial",
  "source_batch_id": "12345",
  "security_gifts": [
      "source_tracking_id": "1218448",
      "id_number": null,
      "netid": null,
      "first_name": "Jxxxx Bxxx",
      "last_name": "Bxxxx",
      "middle_name": "Dxxxxx",
      "email_address": "Sxxxxxxxx@xyz.net",
      "affiliation": "Dartmouth '88 P'15, P'17, P'19",
      "phone_number": "203-555-9999",
      "preferred_name": "Sxxxx  Zx Bxxxx",
      "address1": "2 Imaginary Drive",
      "address2": null,
      "address3": null,
      "city": "Greenwich",
      "state": "CT",
      "zip_suffix": null,
      "zipcode": "06830",
      "country": "USA",
      "additional_donor_first_name": "Jane",
      "additional_donor_last_name": "Doe",
      "additional_donor_middle_name": null,
      "additional_donor_affiliation": "Dartmouth '84",
      "brokerage_firm": "Merill Lynch",
      "broker_email": "xxxxxx_xxxxxxxx@gmail.com",
      "broker_name": "Merrill Lynch",
      "broker_phone": "1 (631) 361-3205",
      "contact_name": "Michael Cxxxxx / Brenda Cxxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "designation": "50% Dartmouth College Fund\r\n50% Tuck Annual Giving",
      "input_date": "2018-08-31T04:00:00Z",
      "matching_gift": "False",
      "matching_gift_details": null,
      "other_instructions": "open ended box of notes input by end user",
            "approximate_value": 1360,
            "cost_basis": 500,
            "number_of_shares": 20,
            "security_name": "Bank Of America",
            "ticker_symbol": "BAC"
            "approximate_value": 500,
            "cost_basis": 500,
            "number_of_shares": 55,
            "security_name": "PepsiCo",
            "ticker_symbol": "PEP"

Main Body attributes (all fields are required):

Field Type Description
posting_type string set to TRIAL for a pre-check of the batch without impacting target application, set to COMMIT to send the batch of Security Gifts to the target application. In both cases integrity checks are performed to ensure the batch is legal
source_batch_id string an identifier from the source system to track back to this batch of gifts
security_gifts array an array of one or more gift transactions as described in the next section

Security Gift attributes:

Field Type Description
source_tracking_id string an identifier from the source system to track back to this individual gift
id_number string (future use if donor matching ever enabled) The ID number of the donor
netid string
first_name string
last_name string
middle_name string
email_address string
affiliation string Still under discussion, the original system used this as class year affiliation
phone_number string
address1 string
address2 string
address3 string
city string
state string
zip_suffix string
zipcode string
country string
additional_donor_first_name string
additional_donor_last_name string
additional_donor_middle_name string
additional_donor_affiliation string Still under discussion, the original system used this as class year affiliation
brokerage_firm string
broker_email string
broker_phone string
contact_name string
designation string
input_date string Date of input by the donor in ISO8601 date format
matching_gift string String value representing either "True" or "False"
matching_gift_details string
other_instructions string
securities array an array of securities associated with this gift as described in the next section

Securities Attributes:

Field Type Description
approximate_value number approximate value of the gift donation as entered by the donor
cost_basis number cost basis of the gift as entered by the donor
number_of_shares number number of shares of the gift as entered by the donor
security_name string security name of the gift as entered by the donor
ticker_symbol string security name of the gift as entered by the donor


Status Code Description
202 The batch has been accepted
50x The backend Oracle database is not available
    "id": "74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF",
    "source_batch_id": "testing",
    "status": "Processing",
    "message": null,
    "link": "https://api-dev.dartmouth.edu/api/advancement/gift/security_batches/74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF",
    "submit_time": "2018-08-30T19:41:39Z",
    "number_of_entries": null,
    "completion_time": null,
    "elapsed_minutes": 0.02
Field Type Description
id string the id you can use on subsequent requests for getting information about the status of the batch
source_batch_id string the id submitted in the original request to tie back to the source system
posting_type string the posting type of the batch
status string current status of the background batch processing
message string message giving additional information about status. This message is suitable for display to an end user
number_of_entries number the number of gift transactions found in the batch
link string the url to follow to get information about the status of the batch
submit_time string date/time batch submitted for backend procesing in ISO8601 format
completion_time string date/time batch processing completed
elapsed_minutes number elapsed minutes between submit_time and completion_time

Get Batch Status

This call can be used at any time to get the current status of the batch.


GET /api/advancement/gift/security_batches/{id}

Required Scope



Field Type Description
id string the id of the batch


Status Code Description
200 The status of the batch is returned
404 Not found. The {id} does not reference a valid batch id

Sample Request

GET https://api.dartmouth.edu/api/advancement/gift/security_batches/74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF

Sample Return Body

    "id": "74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF",
    "source_batch_id": "testing",
    "status": "Commit Success",
    "posting_type": "commit",
    "message": "Batch of testing completed.",
    "link": "https://api-dev.dartmouth.edu/api/advancement/gift/security_batches/74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF",
    "submit_time": "2018-08-30T19:41:39Z",
    "number_of_entries": 1,
    "completion_time": "2018-08-30T19:41:44Z",
    "elapsed_minutes": 0.08

Get Postings History

This call can be used at any time to get status of previously-submitted batch postings.

The status field will return one of the following values:

Status Description
Submitted The batch has been submitted to the backend system and awaits processing
Processing The backend system has begun processing the batch to send it to the target application
Commit Success The batch passed all integrity checks, and was successfully committed to the target application
Trial Success The batch passed all integrity checks, and was then rolled back
Error An error occured during processing, check the message field for more information


GET /api/advancement/gift/security_batches

Required Scope



Field Type Description
submit_date string the date the batch was submitted (yyyy-mm-dd)


Status Code Description
200 All postings that qualify based on query parameters are returned

Sample Request

GET https://api/advancement/gift/security_batches?submit_date=2018-08-30

Sample Return

        "source_batch_id": "testing",
        "submit_time": "2018-08-30T19:41:39Z",
        "number_of_entries": 1,
        "elapsed_minutes": 0.08,
        "current_status": "Commit Success",
        "posting_type": "commit",
        "message": "Batch of testing completed.",
        "completion_time": "2018-08-30T19:41:44Z",
        "id": "74AD4340FD5153CEE0538801120A9DDF"
        "source_batch_id": "74",
        "submit_time": "2018-08-30T19:40:54Z",
        "number_of_entries": null,
        "elapsed_minutes": 0,
        "current_status": "Error",
        "posting_type": "commit",
        "message": "Batch  aborted with error: ORA-01722: invalid number",
        "completion_time": "2018-08-29T19:40:54Z",
        "id": "74992304145AFB8EE0538801120A94D4"

Monitoring Endpoint

The monitoring endpoint is used to test if any gift postings have failed. It should always return a 200 status code and an empty array. If an empty array is not returned, it means a gift failed to move from the staging area to the final application destination. The monitor continues to return the array of failed entries until the data is corrected and reprocessed successfully, clearing the error condition, or the error row is deleted from the underlying control table after confirming with the Investment Office that the gift record has been entered manually.

The monitor endpoint should rarely indicate a problem if the user input from the donor page has the appropriate input controls enabled (e.g. numeric data entry or valid dates etc.)


GET /api/advancement/gift/security_batches/monitor

Required Scope





Status Code Description
200 All postings that qualify based on query parameters are returned

Sample Request

GET https://api/advancement/gift/security_batches/monitor

Sample Return
