Dartmouth API Developer Portal
People-photos API
Returns information about image/photo assets for a particular netid. Currently, the only asset available is an identification photo.
Required Scopes
Scope | Description |
urn:dartmouth:assets:people_photo:read | This scope is required to access photos. Authorization of this scope is granted by the Student Affairs Office |
GET /api/people/{netid}/photos
Required Headers
Authorization: Bearer {jwt}
Parameter Name | Type | Description | Valid values | Required |
Notes on usage
The people-photos API must be called to get the correct URL for the binary asset and asset metadata. Also, applications that display photos of "confidential" students must:
- label the photo with a standard icon and HTML markup provided by the aggreements API
- require that application users view and acknowledge policies and guidelines for "confidential" students; the policy text and acknowledgement status are available via the agreements API
Status Code | Description |
200 | Always returns 200, empty JSON collection if photo does not exist |
Sample Request
Sample Return
"metadata": {
"type": "identification",
"netid": "d40395t"
"asset_link": "https://api.dartmouth.edu/api/assets/d40395t/asset",
"metadata_link": "https://api.dartmouth.edu/api/assets/d40395t",
"id": "d40395t"