Dartmouth API Developer Portal

Advancement Donors API

The Advancement Donors API provides Dartmouth Advancement donor information either as a collection of objects related to a donor's netid, or as a single giving summary record as specified by the resource's unique id.

This is a restricted service and is strictly limited to external system integrations. Application to use this service must be approved by the General Accounting office. Usage of this API is monitored and audited by the General Accounting office on a daily basis.

Unauthorized use or attempted use of this service will be considered a major violation of the Dartmouth Code of Conduct/and or possibly a criminal violation and be adjucated accordingly.

Notes on usage

The primary use case of this API is to retrieve a collection of donor objects for an entity identified by a netid. A donor object can be of type "Public" or "Anonymous" and a given netid can have neither, either or both.

A second, less likely, use case is to retrieve a single donor object identified by a unique ID.

This information is regarded as highly sensitive. All requests to this API require the scope shown below.

Required Scope


Sample Request (retrieve for a given netid)

GET /api/advancement/donors?netid=d1234xx

Query Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description Valid values Required
netid string the netid of the entity whose donor objects is requested d1234xx yes




Status Code Description
200 The request completed successfully
50x Server-related error

Sample returned data

// this information is too sensitive for public display; contact xxx@dartmouth.edu for more information

Sample Request (retrieve for a given id)

GET /api/advancement/donors/{id}

URI Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description Valid values Required
{id} string the unique id of the giving summary requested 5b85a7e8c670f63b5a9be918 yes




Status Code Description
200 The request completed successfully
404 The requested object was not found
50x Server-related error

Sample returned data

// this information is too sensitive for public display; contact xxx@dartmouth.edu for more information